Thanksgiving Ab Challenge - Workout 11

Thanksgiving Ab Challenge - Workout 11

10/21/20 - We're at Workout 11 of the Thanksgiving Ab Challenge! This great ab workout can be amped up by using a medicine ball, a weight, pillow, or you can use an airball (imaginary ball). We're starting off with a light warmup to get the body moving, then we jump right into our first set with our ball. This set works all down the front of your abs with some weighted bicycles and a weighted jackknife. Set 2 is all about the waist with side plank hip drops and a side suitcase crunch. We finish off our last set with some lower abs in a plank pike and some back work to balance out our core!

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Thanksgiving Ab Challenge - Workout 11
  • Thanksgiving Ab Challenge - Workout 11

    10/21/20 - We're at Workout 11 of the Thanksgiving Ab Challenge! This great ab workout can be amped up by using a medicine ball, a weight, pillow, or you can use an airball (imaginary ball). We're starting off with a light warmup to get the body moving, then we jump right into our first set with ...